Communicating in ways that words cannot – a yarn with Hunter Callaghan

November 24, 2023

Take a closer look at the beautiful images on the wawa biik website, and below. You may notice they communicate not only the warmth and excitement of the wawa biik journey, but also hint at the pride and connection that the photographer Hunter Callaghan has to his mob and Country. Hunter belongs to the Nira-illim Bulluk Clan of the Taungurung Nation and was born and raised in the western suburbs of Naarm, Bunurong Country. He works as a content producer for RMIT University but is also a freelance photographer driven to capture the faces and places that tell the Taungurung story.

In 2020, Hunter created a powerful photo–documentary book titled UNEARTHED. The black and white images are a stark reminder of a duality that exists between the proud and enduring culture created by Taungurung Ancestors, contrasted with the heavy impact of colonisation and the painstaking daily work needed to protect Taungurung cultural heritage for the future. Hunter’s images provoke empathy and understanding of cultural complexities but are also his personal way of deepening his own cultural knowledge and connections.

What can you tell us about the type of images you take and why you take them?

My love for taking photos really stemmed from my days as a realism illustrator. I would take photographs of people then replicate them 1:1 with a pencil, right down to every wrinkle and strand of hair. One day I found so much fulfilment in the process of taking photos I just decided to run with it and see where it takes me. As a freelancer I had experience in many different areas of the industry such as product, e-com, lifestyle and events, but I spend most of my days shooting portraiture. There is something special about meeting someone for the first time and getting to know them and their story through the lens. To keep a balance, I explore ''composting'' in my personal works. This is the technique of capturing multiple photos and blending them into one digitally to create a single frame. I practice this technique as a method to create striking and vivid imagery such as my mini-series KFIVE,

What impact can photography have?

I really do believe that photos can communicate in ways that words cannot. Photos are a very approachable medium to introduce new ideas to people. I like to think that my photos play a role to break down barriers and close the gap between First Nations communities and non-Indigenous Australians.

Who or what inspires you?

Personally I take inspiration from the people closet to me. I look up to my Mum and my Aunty Lisa who push me to go beyond what I think I am capable of. Very fortunate and thankful to have them in my corner. Artistically I draw a great deal of inspiration from the natural magnificence of Country. We have many larger than life places on Country and I strive to capture that level of scale in my work and storytelling.

What photographic works are you most proud of and have you exhibited your work?

The work that I am the most passionate and proud of is my documentary photography. In particular my book UNEARTHED – capturing and telling our story, the Taungurung story. Our journey of rediscovering Country, healing Country, and protecting Country. For those that haven’t been exposed to First Nations cultural heritage, I hope that UNEARTHED begins to gather a clear image in the minds of the Australian people of what the archaeological space actually looks like right in your backyard, in your town or in your suburb. I haven't had a chance to do a solo exhibition in a gallery space yet. I would be stoked to share a body of work when the right opportunity is presented to me.

What have you learnt about culture through this photographic project?

I am very grateful to the Taungurung community for giving me this opportunity to create this book because while shooting, I have learned more than I have ever had about my history, community, culture and ultimately who I am. I have only scratched the surface of what cultural knowledge awaits me and I am thrilled to see where it takes me.

What does Country mean to you?

Photography takes me everywhere, but my world will always orbit around Country. Fun fact: At the heart of Taungurung Country lies Lake Eildon. In 1997 on the edge of the lake, this cult classic line was born “How’s the serenity?” Country grounds me and solidifies a critical part who I am and where my soul truly resides.

Uncle Shane’s new puppy, Rex!

Where would we be without birds? Not only do they bring happiness and joy to our lives but they provide so many benefits to our ecosystems and are crucial to our survival. Birds are great indicators of healthy Country. They respond early to any changes to habitats and can give us warning signs about impacts of climate change. Preserving our native bird species and their habitats is so important.

Birdlife Australia runs an annual Aussie Bird Count to inspire everyone to take notice of our little feathered friends and get familiar with bird movements. As they say, noticing birds is the first step towards caring about them – and where conservation begins. Here on Taungurung biik we have so many landscape types and therefore so much birdlife to understand and protect. Big shout out to our BIIK crew and all our land manager partners who are actively monitoring the wildlife and restoring vital habitats. Check out our Birds of Taungurung Country blog for a list of birds and bird related stories you need to know about.

Link in Bio.

Wumindjika (Welcome)!

At any time of year on our wawa biik experiences we will be in the presence of dagin (Taungurung word for animal, beast, living things); from the wildlife that we see such as kangaroos, lizards, insects and birdlife, to the wildlife that is all around us but goes unnoticed. Dagin needs healthy biik, and healthy biocultural landscapes need dagin. Healthy biocultural landscapes also require active management and protection of important species. 

In this newsletter, we take a look at the birdlife of Taungurung Country as this week is Bird Life Australia’s Annual Aussie Bird Count; we bring you the story of the endangered Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper that has been relocated to the grasslands of the Euroa Arboretum; we introduce you to BIIK – TLaWC's natural resource management business that is actively healing biik; and we share the recent news impacting the culturally important species yirrangan (dingo). 

With only a few wawa biik tours left for 2024, we encourage everyone to join us to savour the delights of late spring, early summer. 

We look forward to seeing you on biik soon.
Today we were thrilled to have Regional Development Victoria join us on the wawa tabilk-tabilk tour! In celebration of Birdlife Australia’s Bird Count week, we spotted an array of wildlife, including Wood Ducks, Pelicans, Plovers, and Kookaburras, along with a wombat and turtle. What a fantastic day in nature! 

#taungurungcountry #country #gonagambie #taungurung #culture #firstnation #nature #wildlife #birdlife #tourism #highcountry #regionalvictoria #todaysoffice #spring
Our last public tours for 2024!! If you have been on the fence about booking our cultural experiences, now is your chance 😊 

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You may only deal with the content of this website with the prior written consent of TLaWC, the copyright owner and/or the Traditional Custodians of that ICIP, and with attribution. Contact for enquiries about permitted reproductions. Visitors who book cultural experiences through this website must comply with the wawa biik Standard Booking Conditions, available here.