wawa, Wumindjika
(hello, welcome)
We are Taungurung, the First Nations People and Custodians of the rivers and mountains of Taungurung Country in Central Victoria, Australia.
wawa biik translates to ‘hello Country’ in our language. It is our proud acknowledgement of biik (Country) as the keeper of our living Culture and stories.
wawa biik offers immersive, educational cultural experiences that honour and regenerate our stories and contribute to the positive future of Taungurung Culture and biik.
wawa biik is owned and operated by the Taungurung Land and Waters Council.

wawa biik

A wawa biik experience ignites the fire in the belly and warms the hearts of those who connect to our stories on biik.
We believe it is the small moments that we share together on and with biik that spark the revitalisation of our living Culture:
The moment you hear the beauty of Taungurung language lovingly revived and spoken by Taungurung People and our visitors.
The moment you touch a hand-carved daanak (coolamon) – an honoured skill passed down from Taungurung Ancestors to our youth.
The moment you move through the smoke as it cleanses both spirit and the land during a traditional ceremony that spans thousands of years.
The moment you try bush foods that sustained our Ancestors and are still present on Country today.
We yarn, we walk, we listen, we laugh, we learn, and we reflect.
wawa biik is your invitation to deeply connect.

Introducing BIIK – actively caring for Taungurung Country
wawa biik congratulates the Euroa Arb on the arrival of their newest invertebrate residents.