
Get in touch with the wawa biik team. Reach us via email at hello@wawabiik.com.au
We are often out caring for Country, monitoring cultural heritage, and running events for community. We will do our best to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
wawa biik is owned and operated by the Taungurung Land and Waters Council www.taungurung.com.au

wawa biik features in a range of publications, websites and across news outlets as we highlight the Taungurung story alongside the experiences offered.
Please click here to read the latest edition
Just like the pride and purpose our Elders feel when wrapped in their possum skin cloak, we want wawa biik to be a warm and inspiring space that brings people together to celebrate and learn about our traditional and contemporary aspects of Culture.
Introducing BIIK – actively caring for Taungurung Country
Many people who are familiar with Taungurung Land and Waters Council (TLaWC) – the recognised Aboriginal Party for the Taungurung Nation - will know that we have two businesses with similar names operating on Taungurung Country.
wawa biik congratulates the Euroa Arb on the arrival of their newest invertebrate residents.
The Taungurung community has partnered with the Euroa Arboretum for many years and wawa biik is fortunate to access this special place for cultural education experiences.
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