“Wealth is not about money” – a yarn with Noah

October 10, 2023

Noah Honeysett is a proud Taungurung man, Collingwood supporter and recently became a Dad which means he can now share more of his Dad jokes! He’s always known his culture and been strongly influenced by the Koorie community around him.  Having worked off Country for most of his life, including a stint at a brewery, a chemist and as groundskeeper at a school, he’s found his calling working back on Taungurung Country, for and with his Community. Wealth in his eyes is not about money but about family, community and continuously learning.

Community obviously means the world to you?

Yeah, I’ve grown up in northern suburbs of Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula, always been surrounded by Aboriginal communities, not necessarily Taungurung but Koorie community has been a strong centre point of my life and influenced my decisions. I’ve always been open minded and openhearted to what community wants and respectful and compassionate to their land and their thoughts. I’m proud to be more connected with Taungurung community and to bring my family to Country to help them understand what Culture and Country means to me, to see what I feel and how connected I am but also to connect them into the wider community as well.

Tell us about how you came to working back on Country for your mob?

I didn’t want to be doing long hours, trapped inside four walls any more – wanted to be out on Country doing work I loved and aligned with my values. Three years ago I started working in natural resource management for the Taungurung Land and Waters Council. It was great to be out on Country, trying to understand and come to terms with the 250 years of neglect and impact that colonisation has had. There is still a lot of understanding around the enormity of the impact and a lot of healing that needs to happen. More recently, I’ve transitioned from Caring for Country to caring for Community and contributing more to community outcomes – I feel this is my calling.

Tell us about your experience of learning about culture and connecting others to culture

I’ve watched Taungurung community members come back and find their connections, watched my own family grow and evolve and learn, seen knowledge being passed down to younger generations and seen them gain stronger cultural presence. Just because you didn’t grow up here, doesn’t mean you’re not from here. It’s important for our community to connect back to learn and to heal. For me, I’m always learning. It’s about asking questions, getting out there, spending time with different people. You need the willingness to learn – you get out what you put in. I believe in being self-motivated and having that drive to better yourself and your knowledge – that’s what personal achievement is – it’s a continuous journey. Financial stability isn’t wealth. Wealth is being healthy, happy, providing for your family but having the want to keep learning and growing.

What are you proud of?

This year I've had the birth of my son and Collingwood winning the flag – what a year!

What are your interests outside work and culture?

Football! I was born into being a Collingwood supporter, it's in the family. I also love camping around the Rubicon Valley, fishing, being active. I have always played footy and sports and will be getting back into footy next year. There's also endless house renovations that keep me busy and I must confess to being a bit of a Star Wars nerd!

Who inspires you?

My Nan, who has now passed away. Having her gentle reinforcement, that voice inside my head saying ‘’give it a shot’’. She had such a caring nature, drive and love. I have fond memories of going to the footy with nan on weekends. If we weren't at the game, we were on the couch watching it from home with fish'n'chips.

What are your hopes for the future?

The community having a stronger voice and equality.

What would you love for people to know about Taungurung Culture, Country and /or community?

How beautiful our Country and Culture is, and how beautiful our Community is and how willing we are to share this with others.

Go on give us a Dad joke.....

Q. What's the best type of music to listen to when fishing? A. Something catchy!

Uncle Shane’s new puppy, Rex!

Where would we be without birds? Not only do they bring happiness and joy to our lives but they provide so many benefits to our ecosystems and are crucial to our survival. Birds are great indicators of healthy Country. They respond early to any changes to habitats and can give us warning signs about impacts of climate change. Preserving our native bird species and their habitats is so important.

Birdlife Australia runs an annual Aussie Bird Count to inspire everyone to take notice of our little feathered friends and get familiar with bird movements. As they say, noticing birds is the first step towards caring about them – and where conservation begins. Here on Taungurung biik we have so many landscape types and therefore so much birdlife to understand and protect. Big shout out to our BIIK crew and all our land manager partners who are actively monitoring the wildlife and restoring vital habitats. Check out our Birds of Taungurung Country blog for a list of birds and bird related stories you need to know about.

Link in Bio.

Wumindjika (Welcome)!

At any time of year on our wawa biik experiences we will be in the presence of dagin (Taungurung word for animal, beast, living things); from the wildlife that we see such as kangaroos, lizards, insects and birdlife, to the wildlife that is all around us but goes unnoticed. Dagin needs healthy biik, and healthy biocultural landscapes need dagin. Healthy biocultural landscapes also require active management and protection of important species. 

In this newsletter, we take a look at the birdlife of Taungurung Country as this week is Bird Life Australia’s Annual Aussie Bird Count; we bring you the story of the endangered Key’s Matchstick Grasshopper that has been relocated to the grasslands of the Euroa Arboretum; we introduce you to BIIK – TLaWC's natural resource management business that is actively healing biik; and we share the recent news impacting the culturally important species yirrangan (dingo). 

With only a few wawa biik tours left for 2024, we encourage everyone to join us to savour the delights of late spring, early summer. 

We look forward to seeing you on biik soon.
Today we were thrilled to have Regional Development Victoria join us on the wawa tabilk-tabilk tour! In celebration of Birdlife Australia’s Bird Count week, we spotted an array of wildlife, including Wood Ducks, Pelicans, Plovers, and Kookaburras, along with a wombat and turtle. What a fantastic day in nature! 

#taungurungcountry #country #gonagambie #taungurung #culture #firstnation #nature #wildlife #birdlife #tourism #highcountry #regionalvictoria #todaysoffice #spring
Our last public tours for 2024!! If you have been on the fence about booking our cultural experiences, now is your chance 😊 

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You may only deal with the content of this website with the prior written consent of TLaWC, the copyright owner and/or the Traditional Custodians of that ICIP, and with attribution. Contact communications@tlawc.com.au for enquiries about permitted reproductions. Visitors who book cultural experiences through this website must comply with the wawa biik Standard Booking Conditions, available here.